
Welcome to Persona Med Spa
Where we specialize in providing comprehensive aesthetic and wellness treatments to help you look and feel your best. One of the many concerns that we address at our spa is spider veins, which can be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness for many people. Read on to learn more about this condition and how we can help.
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What is IPL Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to treat blood vessels or their malformations (vascular malformations). To treat these vessels, which are noticeable on the surface of the skin, a special medicine is injected into the vessels, causing them to shrink in size. Sclerotherapy is most often used to treat spider veins or smaller unsightly varicose veins.

What is IPL Sclerotherapy?

What is IPL Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to treat blood vessels or their malformations (vascular malformations). To treat these vessels, which are noticeable on the surface of the skin, a special medicine is injected into the vessels, causing them to shrink in size. Sclerotherapy is most often used to treat spider veins or smaller unsightly varicose veins.

How does Sclerotherapy work?

Photofacial is an ideal option for those who want a non-invasive, gentle, and easy way to erase freckles, age spots, redness, sun damage, and the appearance of visible capillaries and mild scarring. The number of treatments required to successfully achieve the desired result varies from client to client. Many of our clients see a significant improvement in the look and feel of their skin within the first week. In general, three to five treatments are recommended to achieve optimal results. Some clients require an occasional touch-up or reapplication to keep their skin looking its best; however, by investing in a skin care regimen following the treatment, you can ensure that the benefits will be long-lasting. There is little or no risk of serious complications from Photofacial treatment. The most common side effects experienced by our clients are temporary redness and darkening of the pigmentation in treated areas. Patients should limit sun and UV exposure for several weeks before and after treatments in order to reduce their risk of complications and ensure the best possible results.

How does Sclerotherapy work?

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If you would like to learn more give us a call or schedule a consultation and one of our medical experts will be happy to set an appointment for you to get all your questions answered.

At Persona Med Spa, we believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful at any age. If you're concerned about facial aging, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our medical aesthetic consultant to discuss your options and find a treatment plan that is best suited for you.

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