Cellulite Treatments

Endermologie Cellulite Reduction
Endermologie Cellulite Reduction therapy is a unique, non-invasive treatment proven to dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite, increase the tone and firmness of the skin, and re-contour the shape of the body. Through the combination of gentle, controlled suction and a soft rolling action, the patented mechanical LPG technology continuously folds and releases the skin which helps to break up clusters of cellulite within the underlying tissues .The intensity of the massaging action can be easily adjusted to ensure a client’s comfort while helping to achieve optimal results. This procedure has been approved by the FDA and has been used safely and effectively for more than a decade. Clients see a dramatic improvement in the look and feel of their skin, and many also experience a loss of inches in the treated area, allowing clothes to look and fit better. The length of the treatment time depends on the severity of the cellulite damage. In general, an endermologie session encompasses the entire body with more time spent on the areas of cellulite. Treatments will last between 40-50 minutes and following treatment, no recovery time is necessary as clients are able to return to daily activity. Persona offers a unique and proprietary endermologie service which incorporates infra-red and pressotherapy ensuring clients optimal cellulite reduction.
Ideal candidates for Endermologie are those who are concerned with the appearance of cellulite on the thighs, hips, and buttocks, and this treatment is also extremely effective for use on the back, love handles, and abdomen. The number of treatments required to successfully achieve the desired result varies from client to client. Many see a significant improvement in the look and feel of their skin within the first few treatment sessions. In general, 12-16 treatments are recommended to achieve the optimal result. In order to ensure long-term results, we recommend that our clients schedule occasional maintenance sessions to keep them looking their best.
Through the application of infrared light and radio frequency energy, combined with controlled suction and a gentle massaging action, the cellulite within the underlying tissues is heated, shrinking the size of the fat cells, thereby reducing the appearance of dimpled skin. As circulation in the tissue is increased and collagen production is stimulated, the appearance of the skin is further improved by the restoration of its elasticity, shape and tone. Many clients find the treatment to be relaxing and enjoyable, but if at any time a client experiences discomfort, the intensity of the massaging action can be easily adjusted to a gentler level. The length of Velashape treatment time depends on the size of the area being treated as well as the severity of the cellulite damage. In general, treatments will last between 30-40 minutes. Following the treatment, no recovery time is necessary and you will be able to return to your daily activities.
Ideal candidates for Velashape™ are those concerned with the appearance of localized cellulite on the thighs, hips, and buttocks as well as on the back, love handles, and abdomen, which have not responded to diet and exercise. Clients see an improvement in the look and feel of their skin and the shape of their bodies as cellulite is reduced and superficial layers of fat are re-contoured. The number of treatments required to successfully achieve the desired result varies from client to client. Many of our clients see a significant improvement in the look and feel of their skin within the first few treatment sessions. For many of our clients, the initial results of Velashape™ therapy last for several months or longer. We recommend occasional maintenance sessions to ensure long-term benefits and to keep your skin looking its best.
Learn about the benefits of combining
Velashape™ with Endermologie
For many people, no matter how often or how intensely they exercise, they are unable to reduce or eliminate the appearance of cellulite. Persona is proud to offer two highly-effective solutions: Endermologie plus Velashape™, the latest in cellulite reduction therapies. Endermologie and Velashape™ work synergistically to significantly reduce cellulite, improve the look and tone of skin and provide contouring results when combined. When combined, the entire body as well as, stubborn areas of cellulite are optimally treated for quicker and beautiful results.
So how do you decide which one is right for you? When you come to Persona for your complimentary consultation, our expertly qualified Beauty Consultant will help you create a treatment plan to achieve the best results based on your individual needs. Call to schedule an appointment today and take the first step toward discovering a more beautiful you.
Before & After

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If you would like to learn more give us a call or schedule a consultation and one of our medical experts will be happy to set an appointment for you to get all your questions answered.
Give us a call or contact us to schedule your consultation. Medical experts will be happy to set an appointment for you to get all your questions answered.